
Sunday, December 13, 2009

The first of many to drop

In what will surely be one of the many to come, global consulting firm Accenture has dropped golfer Tiger Woods has a spokesman for their company. The move comes after Woods announced on his website late Friday that he was taking an "indefinite break from professional golf." The announcement comes after two weeks of what can be described as a parade of women all coming out and saying they had extramarital affairs with the golfer.

The statement from the company said that Woods is, "no longer the right representative" after the "circumstances of the last two weeks." The relationship between the golfer and the company were very lucrative. Accenture wasn't a well known firm, but in 2003, when they began to sponsor Woods, it brought the company out of obscurity, and boosted their name.

Along with Accenture parting ways with Mr. Woods. This weekend men's grooming company Gillette announced they wouldn't air ads or include him in public appearances for an unspecified amount of time. The companies slogan of "The best a man can get", used him in ads since 2007 for their Gillette Power razors, along with other professional athletics.

It's not clear what company will be the next to drop Woods, but it is clear Nike and video game maker Electronic Arts, and their EA Sports division will not be. Today (Sunday) they said, "We respect that this is a very difficult, and private, situation for Tiger and his family. At this time, the strategy for our Tiger Woods PGA TOUR business remains unchanged."

Nike Inc. on late Friday said they supported Woods' time off decision.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

We are coming back, with a major boom!

Well, its been about 11 months, since I last wrote on this blog, and a lot has gone on. In any case, one thing is still true, someone has to report the things that others may have missed. This time, our focus will be across a lot of different spectrums. Not only will you be able to find reports on the news of the day, but on industry news, and whatever else we feel is necessary for you all to know.

Keep an eye out, because we have a lot of good news to report.

Friday, January 9, 2009

2009 keeps on rockin, Mayor Sheila Dixon indicted

2009 is definitely getting off to a great start for politicians.  If Roland Burris and Gov. Rod weren't keeping newsers busy.  Well, at least in the state of Maryland, and more locally the city of Baltimore, there is real news happening for journalist to keep up with.  Baltimore mayor Sheila Dixon was indicted today on 12-counts.  The 12-count indictment includes; 4 counts of perjury and 2 counts of theft over $500.  Dixon who was a city council member before being appointed as mayor post by now Governor Martin O'Malley, has been under investigation for the last 3 years.  Video link from WBAL-TV in Baltimore is below with Jayne Miller and David Collins, who go over the indictment, as well as what it means to the city of Baltimore.

This of course is not the first mayoral indictment in recent months.  Former mayor Kwame Kilpatrick of Detroit, Michigan, was indicted and now servicing time for being part of a scandal that rocked the city of Detroit.  It is not clear how this indictment will effect the city of Baltimore, but as it can be seen in the state of Illinois, any scandal is not good for a government.