
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mcdonalds customers are an interesting bunch

In what can be considered not an isolated incident, a woman at a Kansas City, Missouri Mcdonalds was upset about her meal order not being correct, according to NBC News 2, out of Florida.

The woman became irate and began throwing dirty mop water, knocking over computers, and other wild actions. Fortunately there were no reported injuries to customers or the Mcdonalds employees. The reported damage by the woman was around $3,000. It's not clear what the woman ordered, what was messed up on her order, or if it was a case of her not getting enough of something she requested. The video is below from
This however is not an isolated incident. Back in December the Salt Lake Tribute reported that a Salt Lake City, Utah Mcdonalds a customer shot up a drive-through, after the customer wanted to order from the lunch menu at 2am. The customer was told that they had shifted from lunch/dinner menu to breakfast. The customer who was described as a 6 feet 1 inch Polynesian man, was with another man. The polynesian man was said to be the shooter, who pulled out a sawed-off shotgun and fired off several shots at the drive-through window. There were no reported injuries to the workers, the police were still looking for the suspects.