
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dan Abrams does a really hard hitting interview on Alexandra Dupre

On his soon to be renamed show Dan Abrams had two interesting guest tonight.  He interviewed call girl "Kristin" (Ashley Alexandra Dupre) friends that helped her produce her album.  They had the greatest name, well for the one person did.  The one guy was named Mysterious, while the other guy was Logan.  Abrams welcomed Jo Piazza from the New York Daily News as well.

Are you giving to your church?

NBC Nightly News did a story about churches.  In particular about Pastors Randy White and his wife Paula White.  The story covers where the money is going.  The church is being investigated by the senate, along with several other churches.  The White's church along with the others being investigated, are taking in a lot of money.  The White's are making a lot of money, but not a lot is going to the church.  Take a look, it is pretty interesting.

The no spin zone takes on Ferraro, with help from Rove

Last night on the O'Rielly Factor, Bill O'Rielly discussed Geraldine Ferraro.  Newest Fox News analyst Karl Rove joined him.  Clips from Ferraro joining O'Rielly on his radio program are also a part of the story.  

Ferraro still defends her comments on NBC Nightly News

Ms. Ferraro's first appearance was on ABC.  Later on that evening she made her way to 30 rock, and was interviewed by substitute anchor Anne Curry.  A short interview, that touches a lot of stuff.

Geraldine Ferraro on Morning TV

The news of the past few days has been about former vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro's comments about Barack Obama.  We will start with her first appearance of the day yesterday.  That started on ABC's Good Morning America, being interviewed by Diane Sawyer.

Legal issues for Spitzer

Studio B with Shepard Smith discussed what legal issue Spitzer may face in the future.  His guest was Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano.

Spitzer resignation

Just in case anyone missed soon to be former Gov. Eliot Spitzer's resignation

1 in 4 teenage girls has an STD

Yesterday morning CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta appeared on HLN Morning Express to talk STD's.  His report was on a recent study that revealed 1 in 4 teenage girls have an STD.