
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Is my money safe?

That's the question millions of Americans are supposed to be asking.  Is my money safe?  Well CNBC's Erin Burnett tried to answer that on tonight's NBC Nightly News.  She did a 3 minute segment on all the things Americans need to know about keeping there money safe.  It is pretty much everything all business anchors have been hammering in our heads over the last few weeks and months, but in these troubled times, why not hear it a few more times.  The clip from tonight's program is below:

Sarah Palin and Katie Couric, part what, 10?

It seems over the last week or so CBS Evening News anchor and managing editor Katie Couric has been interviewing vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin everyday.  Her interviews have given fodder to Saturday Night Live, along with numerous other media outlets.  However, the clip below a Couric interview aired tonight, will have many talking before Thursday nights vice presidential debate.  The question asked by Couric is a very simple one, "What magazines or newspapers did you read regularly before being picked for VP?"  Palin's answer will leave many wondering aloud about the McCain campaign.