
Friday, May 30, 2008

Charlie Gasparino, "quoting" a CEO

CNBC's On-Air-Editor Charlie Gasparino on yesterday's Closing Bell was doing a story about the merger of J.P. Morgan and Bear Stearns.  During the report Gasparino quoted Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld, but the quote wasn't a clean quote.  Watch below to see what it was:

O'Reilly loses it about NBC, again

On the O'Reilly Factor last night during his segment with "Bernie and Jane," he lost it again.  They were discussing the book by former White House press Secretary Scott McClellan.  The main issue had by O'Reilly was the fact McClellan was going on left-wing networks, like NBC.  Most know who O'Reilly is taking about, but he never mentions the name of Keith Olbermann.  The bashing got heated on O'Reilly's part, so much so he almost had another Inside Edition moment.   The video of last night is below, someone should get him some water: