
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Gregory to Moderate "Meet the Press"

Breaking News:  NBC News Chief White House correspondent David Gregory will be the new moderator of NBC's Meet the Press.  The announcement was made this morning by the departing interim-moderator Tom Brokaw, who took over the job as moderator after the untimely death of NBC's Washington Bureau Chief and long time moderator Tim Russert.  

Mr. Gregory will have a high standard to live up to in the coming months, if not years.  Russerts style and his ability to reinvent the Sunday morning public affairs show made him one of the true power players in Washington, DC.  Gregory who came to NBC News in 2000, currently is NBC's Chief White House correspondent, and host of MSNBC's daily show 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  Gregory while Brokaw was interim-moderator was the only other guest moderator.  Earlier reports said NBC was looking NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd, there Chief Foreign affairs policy correspondent Andrea Mitchell, and PBS's Gwen Ifill, but Gregory was tapped.  The announcement was made by Mr. Brokaw and is in the clip below.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Truly living without a heart

Yahoo News reported on the story of soon to be 15 year old D'Zhana Simmons, who lived 4 months without a real beating heart.  The article describes the advances in medicine for children.  Simmons underwent two heart transplants, with the most recent one being in October.  She will have to continue take heart medicine for the rest of her life.  Her doctors do believe that she may need another transplant before she turns 30.  A great read.  Click continued below to read the full article.

Watching a lot of TV, you probably are unhappy

A study by the University of Maryland has found that unhappy people watch more TV than normal.  It describes those unhappy people as being able to find some comfort with watching TV, as they are not very social, nor willing to find other activities.  While happier people go out and socialize more.  The article goes on to say while the economy is getting worser, more people will probably continue to watch more television.  Click continued to read the full article via yahoo news:

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pirates are still around, and they are stealing oil

A developing story in the news today is about how Somali Pirates have hijacked a Saudi Arabian-Owned Oil Tanker.  This story not only is a wild headline to read or even hear about, especially when you hear the word pirates in 2008, but it is true and extremely important.  This story has already affected the oil markets today, when the news came out, crude oil went up over a dollar.  Now crude is down over a dollar.  Stay here for updates on this story.  Click continued below to read an update from Bloomberg:

Watch what you say about a mother

This weekend the advertising people for Motrin made a big error.  They put out an ad geared towards new mom, who wear around there babies on there website.  A site that as of right now can't be assessed.  These mothers can usually be seen carrying around there newborns in slings or some other different types of ways.  The Motrin ad mentioned all of these ways, but the ad crossed a line, that sent mothers to the Internets, and all of the various mother blogging communities.  The ad implied that mothers were wearing around there newborns as a way to be fashionable.  The ad is below with the written transcript is below:

Wearing your baby seems to be in fashion. I mean, in theory it’s a great idea. There’s the front baby carrier, sling, schwing, wrap, pouch. And who knows what else they’ve come up with. Wear your baby on your side, your front, go hands free. Supposedly, it’s a real bonding experience. They say that babies carried close to the body tend to cry less than others. But what about me? Do moms that wear their babies cry more than those who don’t. I sure do! These things put a ton of strain on your back, your neck, your shoulders. Did I mention your back? I mean, I’ll put up with the pain because it’s a good kind of pain; it’s for my kid. Plus, it totally makes me look like an official mom. And so if I look tired and crazy, people will understand why.
As mentioned it sent out a shock wave, as you can read on the New York Times blog "Motherlode", that wrote about it today, executives at Motrin and Taxi New York City (the agency responsible for the ad), are trying fix the mistakes they made.  This story will be something to keep an eye on in the coming days.

Monday, November 10, 2008

"Did I just say...."

On MSNBC's Morning Joe, the host Joe Scarborough, dropped a nice F* bomb on live TV around 8 a.m. this morning.  Was it on purpose?  No, it was clearly an accident, this is evident because as you will see in the clip below.  Scarborough was attempting at telling a story, he meant to say F*, but used the entire word instead.  A few seconds later Mr. Scarborough had to ask what he had just done, because he just realized he hadn't said what he thought he said.  This was probably due to his producers probably screaming in his ear.  He did apologize for his actions.  

Saturday, November 8, 2008

When justice doesn't get justice

In an article on the New York Times web site, that will be in tomorrows print edition, Erik Eckholm writes about a very disturbing trend. The trend is the lack of public defenders for the growing amount of cases in the country. Mr. Eckholm writes about how in Florida's Miami-Dade county there is a lawsuit that has been filed by lawyers to cut back on there workload. A workload that has increased over the last few years from somewhere around 210,000 clients/cases to over 225,000. The article goes on to describe how Florida is not the only place hard hit by this trend. It is happening all over the nation, along with a growing case load, budgets are also being cut. In Florida a budget cut of somewhere around 12%. The article also tells antidotes of lawyers who because they had such big caseloads they missed out on providing all of there clients with proper legal service. In one case a man who would've gotten 1-year in jail, did not because his lawyer could not get to him in enough time, he ended up receiving 5-years in jail. A very interesting article, that is linked below:

New York Times

Thursday, November 6, 2008

"A beautiful thing to behold"

Last nights election of now President-Elect Barack Obama left many commentators with feelings of euphoria.  This was very evident in comments made by African American commentators.  One that really hit home were the comments made by PBS's Tavis Smiley on NBC last night.  Mr. Smiley is an African American from the state of Indiana.  A state that he was shocked to see still "in play" for Obama late into the night, a state that later on has gone for Obama.  The 5 minute video is below:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Very simple message today to anyone who reads this blog.  

It doesn't matter who you vote for, just go out and vote.  It is your civic right and responsibility.  GO DO IT!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The interview that will make her or break her

MSNBC's newest host Rachel Maddow had an interview tonight on her self named program that was very interesting.  The interview was with former Bush speech writer David Frum, and to say there was tension between Frum and Maddow, would be an understatement.  Mr. Frum took Ms. Maddow to task about the tone of her program, calling out her use of sarcasm, and in some cases making fun of important issues.  Now something that I have generally found to be an NBC News trait, with the exception of Joe Scarborough and Chris Matthews.  It was not a shouting match, but a calm, tension filled conversation.  However, compared to her 8 p.m. lead-in Countdown with Keith Olbermann, seeing a liberal having a guest on who disagrees with there views only helps ratings.  The 10 minute segment is below:

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What matters to other states

In the USA Todays 50 states in 50 days series, in a story that will be printed in tomorrows paper Charisse Jones profiles the state of Rhode Island and there concerns about energy.  Like many in the nation Rhode Islanders want to see an end of the countries dependence on foreign oil.  The state is one that many see as a poster child  for using wind and water as an energy source.  The article also talks about the makeup of the state as far as voting in the presidential election.  Right now the state is leaning towards Obama.  In a poll done at the end of September Obama was ahead of McCain 48% to 26%.  

The link is below to the article, where you can also find other articles from the 50 states in 50 days series.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Katie and Sarah, with some Joe on the side

The CBS Evening News is really kicking out the hits over the last two weeks.  Tonight anchor and managing editor Katie Couric had a segment called VP Question.  The point behind these questions was to ask questions of the candidates to get there thoughts on certain issues.  In this case Sarah Palin and Joe Biden were asked the same questions about the Supreme Court.  The first question dealt Roe v. Wade, followed by what court decision they do not agree with.  As many of us know lately it has been the Katie and Sarah show, but this time Senator Biden gets to joy in the fun.  The video segment is below:

Watch CBS Videos Online

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Is my money safe?

That's the question millions of Americans are supposed to be asking.  Is my money safe?  Well CNBC's Erin Burnett tried to answer that on tonight's NBC Nightly News.  She did a 3 minute segment on all the things Americans need to know about keeping there money safe.  It is pretty much everything all business anchors have been hammering in our heads over the last few weeks and months, but in these troubled times, why not hear it a few more times.  The clip from tonight's program is below:

Sarah Palin and Katie Couric, part what, 10?

It seems over the last week or so CBS Evening News anchor and managing editor Katie Couric has been interviewing vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin everyday.  Her interviews have given fodder to Saturday Night Live, along with numerous other media outlets.  However, the clip below a Couric interview aired tonight, will have many talking before Thursday nights vice presidential debate.  The question asked by Couric is a very simple one, "What magazines or newspapers did you read regularly before being picked for VP?"  Palin's answer will leave many wondering aloud about the McCain campaign.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

SNL at it again, with a little Palin, McCain, and Obama

Saturday Night Live last night did two wonderful political sketches.  The first one, which is below, is a spoof of the Sarah Palin/Katie Couric interview.  The interview has raised the eyebrows of many, so it is no surprise that SNL decided to go at it again.  In the role of Gov. Sarah Palin is Tina Fey returned again, with Katie Couric being played by Amy Poehler.  The chemistry between the two women is always great.  Even though Poehler's Couric was not as good as her Hilary Clinton, it played well enough to Fey's Palin.

SNL also touched on the Presidential debate that occurred the night before.  This sketch allowed Chris Parnell to return and be the moderator Jim Lehrer, while Fred Armisen played Barack Obama and Darryl Hammond portrayed John McCain.  This was a long wide ranging sketch for sure.  Something that is really worth watching.  It also includes a cameo by Amy Poehler's Hilary Clinton.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

PETA at it again

To say PETA is always trying to get attention is a true understatement. Today news has come out that PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) wants ice cream maker Ben and Jerry's to use human breast milk in there ice cream. This of course would reduce the use of cows milk, something that the majority of ice cream manufacturer use to produce there ice cream. Click continued below to read the full story via the Dallas Morning News.


Happiest day for Lions fans

In a story that is making the hearts and minds of many Detroit Lions Fan extremely happy, the long time President and CEO Matt Millen has been fired by the Lions. Millen was hired by owner William Clay Ford in 2001 as a way of trying something new. When he was brought on it really made numerous fans think they wanted to win, but after three fired coaches, drafting three wide-receivers three straight years in the first round, horrible drafting overall, it was something that was long overdue. Tom Lewand, who is the chief operation officer, will be interim President, Martin Mayhew, will be acting general manager, and Chedric Saunders has been promoted to vice president of football operations. Head coach Rod Marinelli will stay in place for the rest of the year it appears, his future is uncertain, but it is almost clear Marinelli will be gone once a new GM/President is hired.

Millen was 31-84, in his 7 years at the helm of the Lions. Mike O'Hara the long time Lions beat writer has a very good commentary on the future and past of the program.


News report from Detroit's WXYZ sports director Don Shane

The new USO

Yesterdays NBC Nightly News ended with something that really touches the soul.  As we know there are many mothers and fathers are at war, leaving there children behind missing them terribly.  The USO in its continuing effort to cheer up more than just the troops is using some new celebrities.  This time it is the characters from the wildly popular Sesame Street.  It is a very interesting story, the video is below:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Brokaw to take moderators chair through November election

Breaking News: Former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw will become moderator of Meet the Press through the election season. The announcement was made today in a press release by NBC News, as well as on this mornings broadcast of the show, which was moderated by Brian Williams. Brokaw hosted a special tribute show of Meet the Press last Sunday, a few days after the sudden death of Tim Russert to a heart attack.  

Brokaw will begin next Sunday, June 29th. Brian Williams mentioned that he will be there in the coming months a few times, so this means Brokaw will be there for most of the times. However, NBC will probably be testing out new moderators in the coming months. It makes you wonder if in the coming months will they have the main moderator, with an extra questioner.

Tom Brokaw retired in 2004 from his Nightly News chair, now manned by Brian Williams. He held the post for 20 years, while there he was the top rated anchor for numerous years. Brokaw along with Tim Russert led NBC News to being the top network news network. Brokaw has appeared on Meet the Press since the 1970s. He has moderated the show multiple times, as well as been a questioner.

The show will continue to be taped in at the NBC News Washington, D.C. bureau studio, as well as being produced by executive producer Betsy Fischer.

The press release is below:


(New York) - June 22, 2008 - Beginning on Sunday, June 29, NBC News' Tom Brokaw will serve as moderator of "Meet the Press" through the 2008 presidential election. The broadcast will continue to originate from the NBC News Bureau in Washington D.C. The announcement was made today by NBC News President Steve Capus.

"A lot has been said in recent days about what 'Meet the Press' means to NBC News and to the nation," said Capus. "To have someone of Tom's stature step up and dedicate himself to ensuring its ongoing success is not only a testament to his loyalty to Tim, but his enduring commitment to NBC News and our viewers."

â€Å“Some of my best memories from covering the last several presidential elections have included working closely with Tom, so I know just how lucky we are to have him step in as moderator for 'Meet the Press,'" said executive producer Betsy Fischer. "His intellect, focus and calming presence is exactly what we need to move forward smartly and remain the No. 1 public affairs show on television as we head into one of the most pivotal elections in our nation's history."

For his part, Brokaw said, "I've been appearing on 'Meet the Press' since the days of Watergate when it was moderated by Lawrence E. Spivak right through the distinguished tenure of my great friend, Tim Russert, so I feel right at home. Tim made 'Meet the Press' the center of the universe for informative and lively discussions of public affairs, particularly the exciting 2008 campaign for president, and I intend to continue that commitment to our viewers."
Betsy Fischer is the executive producer and Michelle Jaconi and Rebecca Samuels are the producers of "Meet the Press," which is seen on the NBC Television Network from 9-10 a.m. ET in most markets. In Washington D.C. and New York City, the broadcast is seen from 10:30-11:30 a.m. ET. Please check local listings or the "Meet the Press" website ( for television and radio broadcast times in your area.

# # #

Friday, May 30, 2008

Charlie Gasparino, "quoting" a CEO

CNBC's On-Air-Editor Charlie Gasparino on yesterday's Closing Bell was doing a story about the merger of J.P. Morgan and Bear Stearns.  During the report Gasparino quoted Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld, but the quote wasn't a clean quote.  Watch below to see what it was:

O'Reilly loses it about NBC, again

On the O'Reilly Factor last night during his segment with "Bernie and Jane," he lost it again.  They were discussing the book by former White House press Secretary Scott McClellan.  The main issue had by O'Reilly was the fact McClellan was going on left-wing networks, like NBC.  Most know who O'Reilly is taking about, but he never mentions the name of Keith Olbermann.  The bashing got heated on O'Reilly's part, so much so he almost had another Inside Edition moment.   The video of last night is below, someone should get him some water:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lifelock, not really that secure?

Lifelock, Inc., a company that advertises it will keep your identity safe from online hackers, may not be all that safe.  In a class action lawsuit filed in West Virginia, New Jersey, and Maryland, the suit alleges that Lifelock, Inc., isn't really keeping anyone safe.  The company came onto the scene with a very adventurous commercial.  The ad shows company CEO Todd Davis, showing his own social security number (SSN) on a truck.  The suit also claims that Davis' own SSN has been stolen multiple times by thieves.  To read more click continued at the bottom.  The lifelock lawsuit was also mentioned on CNBC's Fastmoney.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The world according to the oil man

T. Boone Pickens - His Life. His Legacy.Boone Pickens, one of the worlds biggest oil men appeared this morning on CNBC's Squawk Box.  The interview was live from Dallas, Texas.  Pickens predicted that oil will go as high as $150 this year, something many analyst agree with.  I should also mention as i am writing this oil has already hit a new record high of over $129.  To watch the full interview done by CNBC's Becky Quick, click continue at the bottom.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Something you don't see everyday at Morehouse University

This past weekend at Morehouse University in Atlanta, Georgia, something interesting happened.  They had there normal graduation ceremony, with a twist.  The valedictorian for the class of 2008 was a little different this year.  Morehouse which is an all black college, that is 96% African American, had a white valedictorian.  Joshua Packwood is the young mans name.  To learn more, the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams did a story about Mr. Packwood tonight.  The video is below.

A look at the Olbermann-O'Reilly feud

Olbermann_O'Reilly_5.19.jpgThis morning has brought out a few interesting stories about various cable news personalities.  First up is the continuing feud between Fox News star Bill O'Reilly and MSNBC star Keith Olbermann.  In this mornings Washington Post,  Howard Kurtz details how the feud that started a few years ago between Olbermann and O'Reilly has gone to the parent companies.  O'Reilly for the last few months has been attacking GE for doing business with Iran, all in response to Olbermann naming Fox News personalities the "Worst Person in the World" on his show.

The second story comes from the New York Post, which is owned by News Corp, who is the parent of Fox News.  In the famed "Page Six" section, Robert John writes about how Olbermann maybe melting down.  As you can read below.

From the NY Post:
IS Keith Olbermann, MSNBC's top-rated anchor, on the verge of yet another professional meltdown? His feuding with "Hardball" host Chris Matthews is nothing new. But now we're told notoriously odd Olbermann is lashing out at the rest of his network's talking heads. During West Virginia primary coverage the other night, Olbermann began pounding the table when lead White House reporter David Gregory didn't wrap his segment quickly enough to satisfy him. Olbermann recently encouraged management to oust the cable channel's lone conservative, Tucker Carlson, and it's also no secret among producers that Olbermann refuses to introduce Dan Abrams' show, which follows his own. Olbermann walked out of MSNBC years ago in a huff after also blowing up at ESPN, so TV insiders are curious if this recent behavior is a sign that history will repeat itself. MSNBC did not respond to our calls and e-mails seeking comment.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Chris Matthews schools that other Kevin James

Its been viewed almost a half million times on youtube, and, so it has to be here.  Last night on Hardball on MSNBC, Chris Matthews and Los Angeles conservative radio host Kevin James went back and forth about what Neville Chamberlain and the Nazis in 1938.This was after President Bush's speech in the middle East.  Needless to Kevin James really wasn't ready to play "hardball."  I have to say I feel bad for Mark Green, when Chris Matthews gets going, you can't stop him, especially when someone gets there history wrong.  As you will see below.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mike Huckabee tries to0 hard for the laugh

Breaking tonight, former presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee at a National Rifle Assocation meeting make an off color joke about Sen. Barack Obama, that has had a lot of backlash in the last few hours.  In the last few hours Gov. Huckabee has apologized for his comment about Sen. Obama.  Part of his speech and the "joke" are below.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Colbert does an O'Reilly

Everyone knows how much The Colbert Report looks up to the O'Reilly Factor, but Stephen Colbert just took it a step closer.  On his show a few nights ago, he showed his "Papa Bears" rant, then Colbert showed a rant of his own.  Truly classic Colbert.

Local News, you can't miss

Sue Simmons who has worked for the local New York NBC affilate (WNBC) for years, dropped one of the seven words you can't say on public TV.  She dropped a major F-bomb during the channels 10 p.m. promo.  She later apologized for the slip of tongue.  The video of the F-bomb is below,  followed by the apology from Ms. Simmons.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Classic Bill O'Reilly

At this point I think millions of people have seen this video, so I have to do my civic duty and put it up as well.  Many may not have known Bill O'Reilly hosted Inside Edition in the 90s, but he did.  You can analyze the video and call it whatever you want.  I will call it funny.

Don Cherry comes to ESPN

CBC's Hockey Night in Canada main man Don Cherry made his first appearance on ESPN last week.  He did not disappoint in any case.  He wore a great Don Cherry style suit.  He also gave some great analyst on the two conference finals series going on right now between the Red Wings and Stars in the West, as well as the Flyers and Penguins in the East.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sickest story of the year

Probably the sickest story of 2008 comes from Austria.  The man who is being identified as Josef F, imprisoned his now 42 year old daughter up for 24 years in a windowless cell.  Mr. F fathered 7 children from his daughter.  One of the children was a twin that died, which he discarded.  Video of the news story comes from Monica Novonty.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Barack Obama's speech on race

Tuesday morning  Barack Obama gave a speech on race.  It has been viewed has being an extremely moving speech.  If you have not seen it, the entire speech without interruption is below.

The Race begins

Monday night was the premiere of Race for the White House, with David Gregory on MSNBC.  For those of you that haven't seen any of it, the first clip is the opening segment from Monday's show.  The next clip is from Tuesday's show with a segment called "Play with the panel."  The viewers emails, voicemails, and videos are responded to.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dan Abrams does a really hard hitting interview on Alexandra Dupre

On his soon to be renamed show Dan Abrams had two interesting guest tonight.  He interviewed call girl "Kristin" (Ashley Alexandra Dupre) friends that helped her produce her album.  They had the greatest name, well for the one person did.  The one guy was named Mysterious, while the other guy was Logan.  Abrams welcomed Jo Piazza from the New York Daily News as well.

Are you giving to your church?

NBC Nightly News did a story about churches.  In particular about Pastors Randy White and his wife Paula White.  The story covers where the money is going.  The church is being investigated by the senate, along with several other churches.  The White's church along with the others being investigated, are taking in a lot of money.  The White's are making a lot of money, but not a lot is going to the church.  Take a look, it is pretty interesting.

The no spin zone takes on Ferraro, with help from Rove

Last night on the O'Rielly Factor, Bill O'Rielly discussed Geraldine Ferraro.  Newest Fox News analyst Karl Rove joined him.  Clips from Ferraro joining O'Rielly on his radio program are also a part of the story.  

Ferraro still defends her comments on NBC Nightly News

Ms. Ferraro's first appearance was on ABC.  Later on that evening she made her way to 30 rock, and was interviewed by substitute anchor Anne Curry.  A short interview, that touches a lot of stuff.

Geraldine Ferraro on Morning TV

The news of the past few days has been about former vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro's comments about Barack Obama.  We will start with her first appearance of the day yesterday.  That started on ABC's Good Morning America, being interviewed by Diane Sawyer.

Legal issues for Spitzer

Studio B with Shepard Smith discussed what legal issue Spitzer may face in the future.  His guest was Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano.

Spitzer resignation

Just in case anyone missed soon to be former Gov. Eliot Spitzer's resignation

1 in 4 teenage girls has an STD

Yesterday morning CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta appeared on HLN Morning Express to talk STD's.  His report was on a recent study that revealed 1 in 4 teenage girls have an STD.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How aren't you going to be playing college basketball, when you are playing college basketball?

This morning HLN's Morning Express sports reporter Rafer Weigel had an interesting slip of tongue. When talking about college basketball teams getting ready for the NCAA tournament. I guess certain teams aren't college teams, so that's why they aren't going to be playing college ball. You decide.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sheryl Underwood: "Here my problem with Hillary. Any women that didn't kick Monica's ass...."

Sheryl Underwood (female African American comedican) appeared on The View yesterday.  Ms. Underwood is by far one of the funniest female comics around.  She touched on numerous topics including her issues with Hillary Clinton, her feelings about Barack Obama, and her love for President Bush.  Ms. Underwood is a republican for those who were not aware.

Spitzer discussion on CNBC takes a turn

CNBC's Squawk Box this morning had a discussion about New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer.  It is pretty much everything you all may have heard, but the end of the clip had a very interesting turn.  CNBC's Charlie Gasparino decided to rip into former Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey Ross and her job during the 90s.  This left Ms. Ross with the comment of, "That is the rudest person.  What is going on?"  Gasparino left the host of Squawk Box apologizing to Ms. Ross, and leaving Beck Quick saying, "I apologize for that.  We'd love to have you back at some point and discuss what actually happened during your tenure."  Along with other comment from host Carl Quintanilla and Joe Kernen.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Bill Maher on MSNBC's Morning Joe

The day after Junior Super Tuesday, Bill Maher called into MSNBC's Morning Joe.  You can't find this interview on the MSNBC website.  Maher gives his analyst of what he thinks is going on for the candidates.  This is a two part clip.

The SNL debate you might have missed

The second week SNL returned they did a sketch of the MSNBC debate.  The sketch has a cameo by Sen. Clinton.  This is what got her going on her roll to win Ohio and Texas, and Rhode Island.