
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The interview that will make her or break her

MSNBC's newest host Rachel Maddow had an interview tonight on her self named program that was very interesting.  The interview was with former Bush speech writer David Frum, and to say there was tension between Frum and Maddow, would be an understatement.  Mr. Frum took Ms. Maddow to task about the tone of her program, calling out her use of sarcasm, and in some cases making fun of important issues.  Now something that I have generally found to be an NBC News trait, with the exception of Joe Scarborough and Chris Matthews.  It was not a shouting match, but a calm, tension filled conversation.  However, compared to her 8 p.m. lead-in Countdown with Keith Olbermann, seeing a liberal having a guest on who disagrees with there views only helps ratings.  The 10 minute segment is below:

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What matters to other states

In the USA Todays 50 states in 50 days series, in a story that will be printed in tomorrows paper Charisse Jones profiles the state of Rhode Island and there concerns about energy.  Like many in the nation Rhode Islanders want to see an end of the countries dependence on foreign oil.  The state is one that many see as a poster child  for using wind and water as an energy source.  The article also talks about the makeup of the state as far as voting in the presidential election.  Right now the state is leaning towards Obama.  In a poll done at the end of September Obama was ahead of McCain 48% to 26%.  

The link is below to the article, where you can also find other articles from the 50 states in 50 days series.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Katie and Sarah, with some Joe on the side

The CBS Evening News is really kicking out the hits over the last two weeks.  Tonight anchor and managing editor Katie Couric had a segment called VP Question.  The point behind these questions was to ask questions of the candidates to get there thoughts on certain issues.  In this case Sarah Palin and Joe Biden were asked the same questions about the Supreme Court.  The first question dealt Roe v. Wade, followed by what court decision they do not agree with.  As many of us know lately it has been the Katie and Sarah show, but this time Senator Biden gets to joy in the fun.  The video segment is below:

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