
Friday, May 30, 2008

Charlie Gasparino, "quoting" a CEO

CNBC's On-Air-Editor Charlie Gasparino on yesterday's Closing Bell was doing a story about the merger of J.P. Morgan and Bear Stearns.  During the report Gasparino quoted Lehman Brothers CEO Dick Fuld, but the quote wasn't a clean quote.  Watch below to see what it was:

O'Reilly loses it about NBC, again

On the O'Reilly Factor last night during his segment with "Bernie and Jane," he lost it again.  They were discussing the book by former White House press Secretary Scott McClellan.  The main issue had by O'Reilly was the fact McClellan was going on left-wing networks, like NBC.  Most know who O'Reilly is taking about, but he never mentions the name of Keith Olbermann.  The bashing got heated on O'Reilly's part, so much so he almost had another Inside Edition moment.   The video of last night is below, someone should get him some water:

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lifelock, not really that secure?

Lifelock, Inc., a company that advertises it will keep your identity safe from online hackers, may not be all that safe.  In a class action lawsuit filed in West Virginia, New Jersey, and Maryland, the suit alleges that Lifelock, Inc., isn't really keeping anyone safe.  The company came onto the scene with a very adventurous commercial.  The ad shows company CEO Todd Davis, showing his own social security number (SSN) on a truck.  The suit also claims that Davis' own SSN has been stolen multiple times by thieves.  To read more click continued at the bottom.  The lifelock lawsuit was also mentioned on CNBC's Fastmoney.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The world according to the oil man

T. Boone Pickens - His Life. His Legacy.Boone Pickens, one of the worlds biggest oil men appeared this morning on CNBC's Squawk Box.  The interview was live from Dallas, Texas.  Pickens predicted that oil will go as high as $150 this year, something many analyst agree with.  I should also mention as i am writing this oil has already hit a new record high of over $129.  To watch the full interview done by CNBC's Becky Quick, click continue at the bottom.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Something you don't see everyday at Morehouse University

This past weekend at Morehouse University in Atlanta, Georgia, something interesting happened.  They had there normal graduation ceremony, with a twist.  The valedictorian for the class of 2008 was a little different this year.  Morehouse which is an all black college, that is 96% African American, had a white valedictorian.  Joshua Packwood is the young mans name.  To learn more, the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams did a story about Mr. Packwood tonight.  The video is below.

A look at the Olbermann-O'Reilly feud

Olbermann_O'Reilly_5.19.jpgThis morning has brought out a few interesting stories about various cable news personalities.  First up is the continuing feud between Fox News star Bill O'Reilly and MSNBC star Keith Olbermann.  In this mornings Washington Post,  Howard Kurtz details how the feud that started a few years ago between Olbermann and O'Reilly has gone to the parent companies.  O'Reilly for the last few months has been attacking GE for doing business with Iran, all in response to Olbermann naming Fox News personalities the "Worst Person in the World" on his show.

The second story comes from the New York Post, which is owned by News Corp, who is the parent of Fox News.  In the famed "Page Six" section, Robert John writes about how Olbermann maybe melting down.  As you can read below.

From the NY Post:
IS Keith Olbermann, MSNBC's top-rated anchor, on the verge of yet another professional meltdown? His feuding with "Hardball" host Chris Matthews is nothing new. But now we're told notoriously odd Olbermann is lashing out at the rest of his network's talking heads. During West Virginia primary coverage the other night, Olbermann began pounding the table when lead White House reporter David Gregory didn't wrap his segment quickly enough to satisfy him. Olbermann recently encouraged management to oust the cable channel's lone conservative, Tucker Carlson, and it's also no secret among producers that Olbermann refuses to introduce Dan Abrams' show, which follows his own. Olbermann walked out of MSNBC years ago in a huff after also blowing up at ESPN, so TV insiders are curious if this recent behavior is a sign that history will repeat itself. MSNBC did not respond to our calls and e-mails seeking comment.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Chris Matthews schools that other Kevin James

Its been viewed almost a half million times on youtube, and, so it has to be here.  Last night on Hardball on MSNBC, Chris Matthews and Los Angeles conservative radio host Kevin James went back and forth about what Neville Chamberlain and the Nazis in 1938.This was after President Bush's speech in the middle East.  Needless to Kevin James really wasn't ready to play "hardball."  I have to say I feel bad for Mark Green, when Chris Matthews gets going, you can't stop him, especially when someone gets there history wrong.  As you will see below.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mike Huckabee tries to0 hard for the laugh

Breaking tonight, former presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee at a National Rifle Assocation meeting make an off color joke about Sen. Barack Obama, that has had a lot of backlash in the last few hours.  In the last few hours Gov. Huckabee has apologized for his comment about Sen. Obama.  Part of his speech and the "joke" are below.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Colbert does an O'Reilly

Everyone knows how much The Colbert Report looks up to the O'Reilly Factor, but Stephen Colbert just took it a step closer.  On his show a few nights ago, he showed his "Papa Bears" rant, then Colbert showed a rant of his own.  Truly classic Colbert.

Local News, you can't miss

Sue Simmons who has worked for the local New York NBC affilate (WNBC) for years, dropped one of the seven words you can't say on public TV.  She dropped a major F-bomb during the channels 10 p.m. promo.  She later apologized for the slip of tongue.  The video of the F-bomb is below,  followed by the apology from Ms. Simmons.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Classic Bill O'Reilly

At this point I think millions of people have seen this video, so I have to do my civic duty and put it up as well.  Many may not have known Bill O'Reilly hosted Inside Edition in the 90s, but he did.  You can analyze the video and call it whatever you want.  I will call it funny.

Don Cherry comes to ESPN

CBC's Hockey Night in Canada main man Don Cherry made his first appearance on ESPN last week.  He did not disappoint in any case.  He wore a great Don Cherry style suit.  He also gave some great analyst on the two conference finals series going on right now between the Red Wings and Stars in the West, as well as the Flyers and Penguins in the East.